Everything Woo Woo : My Journey into Human Design & Quantum Healing

Exploring the benefits of Quantum Human Design for personal growth

You might be wondering how I ended up diving headfirst into the world of Human Design.

Well, for those who know me, it's no secret that I’ve always had a fascination with all things cosmic. And when I say "dabble," I mean going ALL IN.

A Little Backstory... A while ago, I found myself in a deep hole—one I wasn’t sure I could climb out of. My son was struggling in his final year of school, and not for the reasons you might think.


Let’s rewind a bit.

Motherhood has been quite the journey for me. I went through a lot with pregnancies and losses, and after seven miscarriages and IVF, I miraculously had my son naturally. He was a happy, quirky little baby. Everything seemed fine until we noticed his developmental milestones weren’t quite matching up. I pushed for answers and discovered he had a rare chromosomal mix-up, leading to developmental delays.

He was a trooper, though—commando crawling like he was on the front line. But then the whisper of "autism" came up at playgroup, and I dove into research mode (hello, Line 1s!). Soon after, we got his official diagnosis—PDD-NOS (a mouthful, right?).

Fast Forward to High School... We thought high school would be a smooth transition. Interviews, orientations—everything seemed set. Then, in the first week, our son ended up in the hospital with what we later learned was a psychotic episode. It was terrifying. A few weeks later, he came home with a new diagnosis: Bipolar.

That year was a blur of survival mode for all of us.

We eventually found a support class where he thrived, and things seemed to settle... until his final year of school hit. His support unit leader resigned, then his teacher, and his entire routine went out the window. Cue the meltdowns. Cue the aggression. Cue the chaos at home.

Enough. I hit a breaking point. After much searching I eventually found a local sound healer Matt, who I connected with, I booked myself into a 5-day spiritual retreat in which he was part of a small enlightened team. It was life-changing.
Phones and watches were taken away, and we did some deep deep work on ourselves. It takes a few days to unravel or decondition from the everyday pressures, expectations and conditions that don’t belong to us. Through days of meditations and a beautiful place of contemplation, something in me shifted. I wanted answers, you know the kind, “tell me what I need to do” but I didn’t get the answers. What I got was a knowing. Fluid visuals that I already knew what I needed to know. I just had to learn how to trust and surrender. Interesting enough we all got a ‘word’ at the beginning of the retreat and guess what mine was; SURRENDER!

So my questions were not answered in the traditional way in which we receive answers. I fully surrendered into myself (and my word) and just let the universe send to me what I needed at that time. Slowly they started trickling in.

First Encounter with Human Design. I first came across Human Design back in 2018, but it didn’t fully stick, the words seemed cryptic. Then in the 2020 lockdown, I met a wonderful woman who worked with Human Design and bodywork. But again, life got in the way—homeschooling, chaos, you know how it is. It wasn’t until after the retreat that Human Design kept coming back into my life, this time with a new approach.

Quantum Human Design™: The Next Level of Human Design got a serious upgrade thanks to Karen Curry Parker and her creation, Quantum Human Design™. It is about using high-frequency language to reprogram your energy. Sounds a bit out there? Trust me, it works. By shifting your thoughts, attention and language to a higher frequency, you can literally impact your DNA and consciously work towards aligning yourself with your true purpose.

After the retreat, I was ALL IN. I started training with Karen (and let’s be real—Human Design is a lifelong journey), and I’ve never felt more energised sharing this knowledge with others. It lights me up.

My wish is for everyone to understand their soul's purpose, live with love and gratitude from a place of feeling comfortable in their own skin.

If you haven’t already, grab your FREE Human Design Chart  and start your journey of freeing yourself from who you “should be” to “who you really are” .

Thanks for being here.

Jac x


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