What is Human Design

What is Human Design

The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient wisdom traditions such as the I'Ching, Hindu Chakra system, Tree of Life (Kabbalah), and Eastern/Western Astrology, with the Science of Neutrinos, Genetics, and Physics. The Human Design BodyGraph creates a genetic blueprint that reveals the nature of your being.


Ready to Dive into Your Energetic Blueprint?

If you’re the kind of person who’s tried Astrology, Myers-Briggs, the Enneagram, or any other personality test in search of answers to the big questions like, “Who am I? And why do I do the things I do?”—well, have I got something new for you!

Meet Human Design

Human Design is like your energetic DNA. Imagine you came into this life without an instruction manual (because, let’s be honest, who didn’t?), and Human Design hands you that manual on a silver platter. It’s all about how you’re uniquely wired to make decisions, communicate, work on teams, play to your strengths, and more. And all you need to get started is your exact time, date, and place of birth.

In short, Human Design gives you insight into your unique nature. If you align with it—basically, if you stop fighting who you really are—you might just find life becomes a whole lot easier and more successful. Intrigued? Let’s dig a little deeper.

The Origin Story: A Bit Out There, But Stick With Me

Okay, this might sound a little woo-woo, but stay with me. Back in 1987, Ra Uru Hu (born Alan Krakower) had a mystical encounter with “a voice” that handed him the ideas and principles of Human Design. Two years later, he wrote Rave I'Ching, the foundation of the system according to the Jovian Archive (the site Ra and his family created).

Human Design is like a cosmic smoothie made up of Kabbalah, the I Ching, the chakra system, quantum physics, genetics, and biochemistry—all blended into one supercharged system.

Enter Quantum Human Design

Karen Curry Parker, a lifelong student of Human Design, decided to take this cosmic smoothie to the next level. She tweaked and updated the original system, creating what we now know as Quantum Human Design. The introduction of high-frequency language has the potential to influence and even "reprogram" your DNA by shifting your energetic state. The idea is that words and thoughts carry vibrations, and when you use language that resonates at a higher frequency—words that are positive, empowering, and aligned with your true self—you can impact your body's energy field. This, in turn, can affect your DNA, promoting healing, growth, and alignment with your higher purpose. Essentially, high-frequency language helps to rewire your subconscious patterns, making it easier to live in harmony with your design.

Still here? I know it sounds a bit out there, but once you dive into your own Human Design, it all starts to make sense. When I first got my chart, I thought, “Okay, cool... but what does it mean?” But after a walkthrough, I was like, “Oh my God—this is SO me!”

The Nitty-Gritty of Human Design

So, you’ve got your design. Now what? When you get your chart, you’ll see a bodygraph with numbers and symbols, plus a bunch of terms like “Type,” “Higher Emotional Theme,” “Emotional Theme,” “Strategy,” “Inner Authority,” “Incarnation Cross,” and “Profile.”

Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Type: Your essence. How you harmonize with the world.

  • Strategy: How you’re designed to engage with life.

  • Higher Emotional Theme: Your “on track” signal.

  • Emotional Theme: Your “off track” warning.

  • Inner Authority: How you should make decisions.

  • Profile: The character you’re here to play.

  • Incarnation Cross: The path of your soul (no pressure).

Pro tip: Start with your Type. There are five Types—Manifestor (Initiator), Manifesting Generators (Time Bender), Generator (Alchemist), Projector (Orchestrator) and Reflector (Calibrator).

  • Manifestors (Initiators): 9% of the population. Strategy: is to inform others before taking action to avoid resistance and ensure smoother interactions.

  • Manifesting Generators (Time Benders): 33% of the population. Strategy: involves responding, then initiating, ensuring they’re on the right path before they commit their energy.

  • Generators (Alchemists): 37% of the population. Strategy: is to respond to life’s situations rather than initiate. They find satisfaction in their work by waiting for something to happen that they can respond to.

  • Projectors (Orchestrators): 20% of the population. Strategy: is to wait for an invitation in major areas of life to ensure their wisdom is recognized and valued.

  • Reflectors (Calibrators): <1% of the population. Strategy: is to wait a lunar cycle (around 29 days) before making major decisions, giving them the perspective needed to see things more clearly.

Enter Jac Cunningham

When you book a session with me, I’ll send you your chart—this funky-looking chakra map. The key thing to know is that Human Design has nine energy centers. The colored ones are your consistent, reliable energy sources, while the white ones are more inconsistent, influenced by your environment and people around you. The white centers are also where you can gain serious wisdom.

How Can It Help Me?

Human Design isn’t just another personality test. It’s your guide to decision-making, communication, and living your best life. What I love about Human Design is that it not only gives you powerful insights into who you are, but also practical tools to integrate those insights into your everyday life. It’s not about changing who you are, but about embracing your true self and working with what you’ve got.

How does it compare to something like Myers-Briggs or the Enneagram? Unlike those tests, which can change depending on your mood or circumstances, Human Design is based on your birth data—stuff that doesn’t change. Plus, it digs into both the conscious and unconscious aspects of who you are, giving you a much deeper understanding.

Okay, I’m Sold. Where Do I Start?

You can get your free chart right here, and there’s tons of info out there about Human Design. If you interest is in studying Quantum Human Design — Karen Curry Parker is the queen bee and a great place to start.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed and just want to learn more about you? Don’t worry—I’m here to help.

You can choose from:

  • A Blueprint: a 60+page tailored and comprehensive guide to your design.

  • A personal 90-minute reading.

  • A mini audio reading.

Once you’ve got the tools, start practicing your Strategy and Authority. Align with your design, and life will start to feel a little easier, more in flow, and just... better. It’s not about forcing yourself to be something you’re not—it’s about working with what you’ve got. And who can say no to that?

If you haven’t already done so, grab your FREE CHART

Jac x


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